We are glad to greet you on our pages. Here you can inform yourselves about our company and products. Moreover, we place at disposal for your information about web-sheet-technology in our technology-area.
Range of reeds: Standard reeds, AirJet reeds, High Density reeds, Carpet reeds, Forming and Filtration reeds, Reeds for Ribbon Looms, Reeds for weaving preparation.
In the area of products you can inform yourselves about innovations to our firm and the offered products.
METEX GmbH · Max-Planck-Straße 26 · 95233 Helmbrechts
You reach us continuously by email and telefax, or gladly also individually
on the spot or by telephone during our opening times:
Monday till Thursday from 7.30 am to 04.30 pm and on Friday until 14.00 pm.
Telefon: (+49) 9252 / 2515380
Telefax: (+49) 9252 / 2515382